The Light of Christ Crucifix

Women’s CEW October 18, 19, & 20, 2024

Men’s CEW March 2025

“ A life changing experience and the best weekend of my life.”

Blur resturant and coffee cafe background.

What is a CEW Weekend?

CEW is a structured 48-hour retreat experience that is designed to strengthen and renew the faith ​of the attendees.

CEW is not a silent, meditative retreat, but rather, a shared Christian experience. The community-​based weekend includes talks, discussion, prayer services, and Mass. A team of lay people, ​deacons, priests and religious conduct the weekend.

Who Can Attend a CEW Weekend?

Christians 18 years of age and older are allowed to attend the weekends.

Why Would I Want to Attend a CEW Weekend?

The answer to why can be as simple as you are looking for new friendships with others who have the same love for Jesus as you ​do. It could be that you are struggling right now with your belief in Jesus, and you need to have that renewed. Maybe your why is ​that you need a weekend away for yourself. To leave the rest of the world behind and focus on you and your relationship with ​Jesus with outher like-minded individuals. Or maybe you are willing to attend because you know someone else who would ​benefit from such a weekend but would not attend one alone.

There are so many reasons to “why someone would want to attend a CEW weekend. If you have been asked by someone to ​attend, it may be that they have been prompted by the Holy Spirit to invite you because they already attended and know the ​amazing benefits of giving up the luxuries in life and leaving everything else behind to focus on your relations with God, Jesus, or ​the Holy Spirit. Which person of the Holy Trinity do you have a realtionship with or want a relationship with?

What Will Happen on the Weekend

It will be a weekend filled with laughter, delicious food, community, inspiration and motiviation. It is a structured 48-hour ​experience that is designed to strengthen and renew the faith of all Christians.

You decide how much you want to participate in the disucssions. No one is forced to share. You can share as little or as much as ​you feel comfortable with.

What Past Retreatants Say About Their Experience on a CEW Weekend

Attending CEW weekends has enriched my faith life. I continue to grow closer to God, especially in my prayers. I have also made​ wonderful friends who keep me connected to spiritual events.​

Karen Peterson​

CEW weekends have made a definite impact on our lives and have become a source of our strength and courage to pursue a​ deeper relationship with Jesus. As well as an opportunity to invite the Holy Spirit to come into our lives and our marriage... speaki​ng to us, drawing us closer to the Great mystery of God’s infinite Love for us! God Ble​ss.

Floyd and Ann Ze​m​an

CEW was a great weekend to disconnect and to connect. I was afraid to go because it was new and I thought I wouldn’t k​now anyone. I left the weekend really feeling touched by the Holy Spirit. I also met a new community of women to share my faith wi​th.

Karen L​i​tz

CEW connected me with an amazing community of women who share my faith. The weekends have enriched my relationship w​ith God and invigorated my prayer lif​e.

Wendy Sm​ith

Where is the CEW Held

The overnight retreat weekend is held at:

Shepherd of the Hills Catholic Parish and School

W1562 CR-B, Eden, WI

What is the Time Commitment Involved

The weekend begins Friday evening at 7:00 p.m. and is continuous through approximately 5:00 p.m. Sunday evening.

The goes by so quickly on the weekend and by the time Sunday afternoon rolls around, you won’t want to go home and leave ​your new friends. These new relationships you make in just 48 hours will last a lifetime....if you choose.

What is the Cost of the Weekend

The cost of the weekend is $50.00. If the cost of the weekend would be a financial burden for you, feel free to contact any one of ​the rectors below. This includes: five (5) meals, unlimited snack table, beverages (non-alcoholic), sleeping quarters and an ​unlimited time with Jesus.

Please send the completed registration form with either a $15.00 deposit or full payment to:

Teresa Mahler

N3285 State Road 67

Campbellsport, WI 53010

Bokeh, Pink, Orange, Background, Texture

2024 Women’s CEW Rector Team

2025 Men’s CEW Rector Team

Men’s Rector

Greg Jirik


Men’s Assistant Rectors

To Be Announced

Women’s Rector

Jerilyn Owen


Women’s Assistant Rectors

Teresa Mahler


Sara Kaffine


The weekend is led by all volunteers made up of past CEW retreatants, clery and regligious.

Bokeh, Pink, Orange, Background, Texture

Are you ready to experience the weekend of a ​lifetime? A weekend like no other? Ready to ​have the Holy Spirit come into your heart and ​set it on fire?

Download your copy of the brochure and ​register today to guarantee your spot on this ​life changing weekend.